The older homes that Portland neighborhoods are famed for often feature the floor plans popular when they were built. Which is to say, small, separated living spaces.
The open floor plans that have become more desirable over the last several years have led plenty of buyers and flippers to knock down walls and install modern amenities like pass-throughs and islands that let natural light fill the space and provide easy sight-lines for parents and frequent hosts alike.
As we ring in the new year, however, those looking for Portland modern homes will want to take advantage of the very latest trends in floor plans. Here are a few of interest.
Sustainable Solutions
Okay, this is nothing new. Portland has been ahead of the curve for a good long while when it comes to supporting sustainable living. All one has to do is look at the number of LEED certified structures, Passive House designs, and even Portland condos sporting solar panels to see that this city is environmentally friendly.
However, modern homeowners have now come to expect such amenities, and floor plans that feature sustainable design are definitely in demand.
Relaxation Rooms
Modern professionals work long hours in high-stress professions and tangle with gridlock on a daily basis (although the mass transit in Portland helps to ease some daily stress). As a result, many are skipping trendy Portland lofts in favor of living spaces that feature extra rooms that can be used for leisure and relaxation purposes.
Window Walls
Studies have shown that viewing nature can provide the same level of relaxation as actually getting out in nature, and there’s plenty of greenery on display in Portland. Enter features like floor-to-ceiling window walls that help homeowners feel as if they’re living among the leaves.
Low-Maintenance Finishes
The last couple of decades have seen an alarming amount of natural stone take up residence in modern homes. Many Portland buyers are not only looking to put the kibosh on the mining of natural resources, but they are also interested in low-maintenance living spaces that don’t require special, chemical cleansers and frequent sealants and other treatments for upkeep.
Smart Home Amenities
The smart home revolution is slowly gaining steam, with alarm companies like Vivint, ADT, and others offering amenities such as lighting, door lock, and even appliance control remotely via your smartphone.
It’s not quite The Jetsons yet, but homes are getting smarter by the minute and savvy, modern home buyers want the convenience that comes with a smart home setup.