Thanksgiving and Portland Homes – What Are YOU Thankful For?
Thanksgiving came and went in Portland homes near you. It maybe even came to your home, bringing friends, family, good food and happy memories. In the midst of all the activity, I hope you took the time to think about what you’re thankful for this year.
The last year has been hard for hundreds of thousands of individuals and families. Some who, at the beginning of the year, had a good job, nice house they could afford, 2.5 kids – you know, living the American dream – are now trying to figure out where their next meal is coming from. Some are trying to figure out where to sleep tonight.
Many homeowners – those with Portland homes and homes elsewhere across the nation – seem to think these people must have “done something” to be in their current situation. They believe that as long as they don’t “do something,” they won’t experience similar problems.
This belief is far from the truth. Not all, but most, Americans struggling today paid their bills on time, went to work every day and were just regular, responsible people. Their place of employment closed or their jobs were cut and, with hiring freezes, they couldn’t find new jobs. They could no longer afford their mortgages. The banks foreclosed. This is the true story of all too many people across the U.S.
Did they really do anything? Could they have stopped the companies from letting them go or closing? Could they have forced someone else to hire them?
As Thanksgiving comes to an end, I urge you to take a look at your own situation. Whether you hate or love your job, be thankful you still have one, when thousands don’t. Look around your warm, safe home and be thankful you can still afford it – even if it’s underwater and/or losing equity. You know where your next meal is coming from – even if you can’t decide whether it’s chicken or burgers tonight.
Be thankful for your Portland homes, your jobs, your families and your good, full life. I know I am. This Thanksgiving, take time to let go of the cares of the world; just enjoy what you have and with whom you have to share it.
Finally, I’d love to hear what you’re especially thankful for this year, so please feel free to add your comments below. I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving for many years to come!