
Could Your Home Qualify As A Green Certified Home in Portland?

by | Oct 31, 2012 | Living Urban

Did you know that if your Portland modern home is certified green, you could ask for more money when it comes time to sell. A green certified home in Portland carries a price premium of 9% over a conventional home. With energy prices increasing, along with awareness of environmental issues, green buildings are the wave of the future no matter where you live.

What Is A Green Certified Home In Portland?

If your home has many of the following features, it might make sense for you to look into getting it as a green certified home in Portland.

  • Oriented to optimize passive solar
  • Highly energy-efficient windows
  • ENERGY STAR appliances
  • Water Sense fixtures
  • High indoor air quality
  • High-efficiency HVAC
  • Well insulated
  • High percentage of local materials

National Green Certification Programs

There are national certification programs such as the National Green Building Program, which has four levels available for homes: Silver, Bronze, Gold or Emerald. There’s also the US Green Building Council’s LEED certification. There are also regional and state programs that certify green homes.

It goes without saying that homes with green features are also more comfortable and affordable to live in. If your home has some green features, it could pay off in the long run to add more — and get certified as a green certified home in portland.

If you have questions about getting your Portland home certified as a green building, give me a call.  Also for more useful tips subscribe to our Portland Real Estate Blog.