You don’t list your Portland home for sale on a whim; you don’t just decide you don’t like the one you have and list it today. Selling a home carries significant financial, emotional and family repercussions. Selling your home is one of those life decisions, the ones you discuss with your spouse, look over with professionals and use experts advice to move forward. Many of our clients plan for months or even years to position themselves for the transition.
If you’re motivated to sell you have several new marketing tactics at your disposal to help you be successful. Creative marketing is changing rapidly, it is important to have a Realtor that is committed to testing new ideas and has a proven methodology. Without true motivation though, even the most elaborate marketing plan won’t get the job done right. Under motivated buyers and sellers blow up transactions all the time. And that can be stressful! Whether you are a buyer or seller, having a professional assisting to navigate those nuances is extremely important. So here is how to test your motivation.
Are You A Motivated Seller?
So, think about it. Are you a motivated seller? There are a number of reasons people are motivated to sell. And now more than ever people are more aware of just how important the space they live in is to the vitality of their life. These reasons include:
- Lifestyle Change – The time for a quieter way of life has arrived. The nest may be too empty. You may want more freedom and less household commitment. You may be ready to give up weekends of yard work for weekends of hobbies and relaxation.
- Relationship Changes – Partners get together and partners divide. Marriage, divorce and newborns all set the stage for needs in household change.
- House Too Small – As families expand, it can be more cost effective to move rather than over-improve the current home. Additions and remodels can be incredibly difficult and stressful on a family that is already busting at the seams.
- Time to Upgrade – The typical American moves every 5-7 years. As you move up the ladder at work you might recognize it’s finally time to go after your dream home! We call it moving up to your perfect space.
- Working from Home – With more and more people working remotely, the home now has to take on new functionality. The reality is, you may not be able to have the space you need to efficiently work in a home environment.
- Health Issues – People with health issues or are just getting to that time in life where they need a little assistance. Maybe you cannot continue or afford household upkeep and need to move to a smaller, more protected and service oriented community.
Motivated Doesn’t Mean You’re Desperate.
It means you have real reason to sell! If you’re motivated and have a home that you need to have evaluated, we would be delighted to asses your situation and help you decide if the time is right for you. You already know the market is competitive. However, professional representation, an astute marketing plan and expanded reach can help you secure top dollar for your property and do it with the least amount of hassle possible.
Are you a motivated seller? We would like to help you! Call, text, email or DM us and we would be glad to give you a free no obligation assessment.