You’ve repaired, De-cluttered, deep cleaned and polished your Portland modern home for sale until it shines. But how do you keep it that way when you and your family have to live in it every day?
Here are 5 tips to keep your Portland home for sale show ready (without driving yourself crazy):
- Declare some rooms off limits. There are a few obvious rooms that can easily be declared off limits such as the formal dining room and living room. But there are others you may not have considered. If you have 3 bathrooms, proclaim 1 or 2 of those bathrooms off limits. Have a guest room but no guest? Shut the door and forget it.
- Hire a maid service. You may not be able to afford a cleaning crew on a regular basis, but to reduce your stress while your Portland home is for sale, consider hiring a house cleaner to come in once or twice a month. Consider it part of the cost of selling.
- Leave your shoes at the door. Sure, it’s inconvenient, but it really does keep your floors clean much longer which means less vacuuming, sweeping and mopping.
- Clean as you go. Anytime you get something out, put it away when you’re done with it. Persuade every member of your household to do the same.
- Use a Scentsy. You may have read some tips I’ve given about baking cookies to make your home smell great for showings. That’s an excellent idea for people who have lots of time or just love to bake. But for the rest of us, put out a scented wick-less candle and avoid cooking smelly foods such as bacon, fish or anything fried until your home is sold. If you can’t do without your fish, go out to eat.