You can do many simple repairs around your home to save money. Whether you are making repairs around your Portland modern real estate to prepare it for sale or repairing items after buying a home, having the right tools for the job makes everything much easier.
Here are my top 10 must have tools to complete most Portland real estate repairs:
- Cordless drill. A cordless drill gives you a quick way to put screws in walls, put together furniture or to remove screws effortlessly.
- Hammer. You should have a medium weight hammer on hand for tapping pieces into place, installing nails or even removing wall sections or nails you no longer need.
- Level. If you want to hang anything evenly, you need a level. Use a level to measure holes for hanging cabinets, towel bars and pictures.
- Pencils. You will use pencils to mark studs or drill holes or to make notes while you’re working.
- Pliers. Pliers are essential for removing staples and nails. You can also use them to remove screws. Keep a variety of different sized pliers on hand.
- Putty knife. If you are covering nail holes or wall cracks, you need a putty knife to spread the spackle. You can also use a putty knife to remove wall paper, adhesives or spilled paint or caulk.
- Screwdrivers. At the very least, you need a regular screwdriver and a Phillips head screwdriver with a medium tip. You should also have a set of small screwdrivers on hand.
- Tape measure. A good tape measure will come in handy any time you need to measure.
- Utility knife. This knife is basically a razor blade with a handle. You can use it to remove wallpaper, scrape paint or remove tape after painting.
- Vice grip. Vice grips help you hold items, and they are especially useful if you are removing screws, untwisting something with sticky adhesive or just need to hold something while you work.
A caution to all you DIY-ers out there. If you are wanting to do repairs yourself to save money, be sure to do so prior to the inspection. Once the buyer has their itemized repairs on the repair addendum, the repairs will have to be done by a licensed contractor per the Portland real estate contract. My advice is to get a head of it and have your home pre-inspected.